Lean Manufacturing - A Powerfull Tool for Reducing Waste During the Processes

Mihai Apreutesei, Emil Suciu, Ionela Roxana Arvinte
2010 Analele Universităţii "Eftimie Murgu" Reşiţa: Fascicola I, Inginerie  
Lean manufacturing provides a new management approach for many small and medium size manufacturers, especially older firms organized and managed under traditional push systems. Improvement results can be dramatic in terms of quality, cycle times, and customer responsiveness. Lean manufacturing is more than a set of tools and techniques and has been widely adopted by many production companies. Lean manufacturing is a culture in which all employees continuously look for ways to improve processes.
more » ... In the present article are presented the Lean Manufacturing tools, like kaizen, Kanban, poka-yoke witch a company can use to reduce the waste(muda) during a production process. The paper contains also, the most common seven types of waste from production and some examples from our daily activity.
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