A Research into the Characteristics of Fashion/Textile Design Practice-Led PhD Theses in the UK
영국의 패션, 텍스타일 디자인 실기 주도(Practice-led) 박사 논문에 관한 특성 연구

Hye Eun Kim
2015 The Korean Society of Costume  
1) Practice is essential in art and design. Through practice, artists gain tacit knowledge that is hard to acquire from conventional academic studies. This paper characterizes practice-led research in the study of fashion and textile design through the investigation of practice-led research theses in the UK. According to relevant literature, which includes four exemplary case studies, the following features can be drawn: First, the methodology is different in each case and the use of practice
more » ... unconventional. Second, the research is not always aimed at making products. Third, the structure follows an iterative process. Fourth, the ratios of theory and practice are different and various theories are used. Fifth, a personal journal or diary is used for reflection as a major aid to research. Lastly, the process should be recorded by a thorough academic method. Practice-led research can have unexpected outcomes in theory and practice. It can be a good option for fashion practice research to develop a better evaluation method and reduce the gap between subjectivity and objectivity..
doi:10.7233/jksc.2015.65.6.048 fatcat:agtsqmuilnhhvcdjjvlwe2jwry