Australian Square Kilometre Pathfinder - Commissioning to Operations

Malte Marquarding, Schaa, Volker RW (Ed.), Costa, Isidre (Ed.), FernáNdez, David (Ed.), Matilla, ÓScar (Ed.)
The Australian Square Kilometre Pathfinder (ASKAP) is a radio telescope array in Western Australia. A third of the 36 telescopes forming the array have been fully commissioned and are in use under the early science program. The construction phase for the rest of the array has now completed and commissioning is continuing. This report continues on from the last status update and addresses new challenges as the telescope moves into the operational phase. The architecture of the system has proven
more » ... obust, however some of the third party software choices have been reviewed as new software packages have appeared in the years since the initial adoption. We present the reasoning behind replacing some of our processes and software packages to ensure long-term operation of the instrument.
doi:10.18429/jacow-icalepcs2017-tupha063 fatcat:mlkmi7tyxbaozfkt7rjnmlcxma