IoT for a More Reliable and Safer Patient Monitoring Healthcare Service during the Pandemic

2021 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering  
The internet of things (IoT) has been widely identified as one of the best solutions to make a smart life for human beings. Moreover, it can also be applied to alleviate the pressures on healthcare systems that improve the access and quality of care and essentially reduce the cost of care. This research presents a method to apply the IoT health monitoring method to hospital wings and make a much-developed smart healthcare service that is more comfortable and safer, especially in a pandemic
more » ... tion. This paper proposes a real-time monitor system consisting of healthcare wearables such as BPM (beats per minute) meter, body temperature meterand central communication hub. This research mainly focuses on making a more comfortable health monitoring system compared to other modern-day systems. Moreover, the purposed system consisted of several data presentation methods for easier data analyzing on the patient.
doi:10.30534/ijatcse/2021/251012021 fatcat:xg4lnpadtbhmrmsznus6m2urhm