Composition of the intestinal nematofauna of Anurogryllus muticus and Neocurtilla claraziana (Orthoptera) from pastures of La Plata city, Buenos Aires, Argentina

José Matías Rusconi, María Fernanda Achinelly
2020 Caldasia  
The present study analyzes the intestinal nematofauna of the orthopteran species Anurogryllus muticus and Neocurtilla claraziana as part of a survey work conducted in pastures from the region of La Plata to isolate entomopathogenic nematode species. Eleven nematode species belonging to the families Thelastomatidae, Travassosinematidae, Cephalobidae, Rhabditidae, and Plectidae are reported. Parasitism percentages from 0.31 to 22.71 % were observed being Blatticola cristovata and Cephalobellus
more » ... alhaesi the most prevalent species. Cephalobium nitidum, Cruznema tripartitum, and Plectus parietinus are reported for the first time from Argentina. The findings of the study contribute to a better understanding of the biodiversity status of insect parasitic nematodes of the region.
doi:10.15446/caldasia.v43n1.81201 fatcat:mdwn5r5lqzbn3cs4t5bkwezb3i