Envisioning the Graduate of the Future: In Review 2018 [post]

Alyssa Napier, Elizabeth Huttner-Loan, Josh Littenberg-Tobias, Garrett Beazley, Justin Reich
2018 unpublished
Envisioning the Graduate of the Future (March 8 to April 5, 2018) was an experiment in rapidly producing a compelling, open, online learning experience. This massive open online course (MOOC) featured schools at various stages of developing their vision of a high school graduate. Over 2,000 educators and others from across the United States and 100+ countries registered for a collaborative and exploratory design process to develop a graduate profile, a shareable document that conveys what a
more » ... unity and/or school believes a high school graduate should know and be able to do.
doi:10.31235/osf.io/n7kqs fatcat:llxxc2ukczhkrgynck4rjsieb4