On Orbit Measurement of Next Generation Space Solar Cell Technology on the International Space Station

David S. Wolford, Matthew G. Myers, Norman F. Prokop, Michael J. Krasowski, David S. Parker, Justin C. Cassidy, William E. Davies, Janelle O. Vorreiter, Michael F. Piszczor, Jeremiah S. McNatt
2015 13th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference   unpublished
I. Abstract Measurement is essential for the evaluation of new photovoltaic (PV) technology for space solar cells. NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) is in the process of measuring several solar cells in a supplemental experiment on NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's (GSFC) Robotic Refueling Mission's (RRM) Task Board 4 (TB4). Four industry and government partners have provided advanced PV devices for measurement and orbital environment testing. The experiment will be on-orbit for approximately
more » ... months. It is completely self-contained and will provide its own power and internal data storage. Several new cell technologies including four-junction (4J) Inverted Metamorphic Multijunction (IMM) cells will be evaluated and the results compared to ground-based measurements.
doi:10.2514/6.2015-3898 fatcat:trppqprmvjdrdpj4dh25377c6a