Dependence of Magnetic Damping on Temperature and Crystal Orientation in Epitaxial Fe4N Thin Films

S. Isogami, M. Tsunoda, M. Oogane, A. Sakuma, M. Takahashi
2014 Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan  
In-plane and out-of-plane ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) were used to investigate the intrinsic magnetic damping constant () in epitaxial Fe4N thin films deposited on MgO substrates. The dependence of  on temperature was evaluated from room temperature (RT) to 4 K. The external magnetic field (H) of FMR was applied in two directions, i.e., [100] and [110], of the Fe4N lattice. Anisotropic  was observed from RT to 4 K. Moreover, the  for H // [100] exceeded the  for H // [110] at 180 K.
more » ... ical calculations of  for bulk Fe4N revealed the same behavior as that in the experiments. The temperature dependence of anisotropic  was explained by the changes in the electronic band structure depending on the directions of magnetization.
doi:10.3379/msjmag.1406r001 fatcat:snz77ex5sjcj3ockctkpeljoii