Educational demands to reduce avoidance of vocational education in Jordan

Alsa rsquo aideh Monim
2016 Educational Research and Reviews  
This study aims to identify the educational demands to reduce students' avoidance of vocational education in Jordan. Results of a previous study addressing reasons for avoidance of vocational education, distributed these reasons into personal, social, economic, educational and vocational domains. Focus-groups method was used to identify the educational demands in order to reduce the effect of these reasons. Five focus-groups studied the domains of the factors and made suggestions, then all
more » ... s met collectively to make consensus about the suggestions, to remove repetition, to divide them into domains, and to order the demands according to their importance. Finally, a list of demands on the educational system was made. Some of these demands were short-term while others were long-term demands. These suggestions were in domains of the vocational work sector, the media, higher education, the vocational education sector and the careers education course.
doi:10.5897/err2016.2636 fatcat:aievks654favxi4wfci5a4boem