Wm. B. Atkinson
1897 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)  
the office of the Board of Health, file a certificate with said Board from a qualified veterinary surgeon, or such other per¬ son as the Board of Health may designate, certifying that he has inspected all of the milch cattle of the applicant from which such milk has been drawn ; that they have been found sound and healthy, and that the dairy and other appurte¬ nances necessary to the business are kept in a cleanly and proper manner. Any failure to comply with and maintain the conditions herein
more » ... et forth shall be a sufficient ground for the immediate cancellation of such permit. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall suffer and pay a penalty of $25 for each and every offense.
doi:10.1001/jama.1897.02440280043010 fatcat:wdz2exh42jhmddwzmvw77louam