Managing a Migratory Species That Is Both a Value and a Pest

A. Skonhoft, J. O. Olaussen
2005 Land Economics  
Wild animals can represent both value and nuisance. We consider the moose (Alces alces), which due to seasonal migration causes browsing damage in some areas, while creating hunting value in other areas. We first explore a situation when harvesting, following today's practice in Norway, only takes place in the fall. Next, the season is extended to include winter harvesting. It is shown how this redistributes harvesting benefits between areas and landowners, and under which conditions total net
more » ... enefit increases. The model is illustrated by a real life example from the Swe-Nor moose region some 250 kilometers north of Oslo, Norway. (JEL Q26) 81(1)
doi:10.3368/le.81.1.34 fatcat:jxibe2d7grbuhawydvanchosfm