Mutagenic evaluation of the pesticides captan, folpet, captafol, dichlofluanid and related compounds with the mutants TA102 and TA104 of Salmonella typhimurium

Carmen Barrueco, Eduardo de la Peña
1988 Mutagenesis  
A mutagenic evaluation of captan, folpet, captafol, dichlofluanid and related compounds was carried out using the Salnionelia/mammalian microsóme test using strains TA102 and TA104. These strains contain A-T base pairs at the site of the mutation in contrast to the other Salmonella tester strains that detect mutagens damaging G-C base pairs. In addition, the excisión repair system of the TA102 strain is still intact. Captan and folpet were mutagenic in strain TA104, captafol was mutagenic in
more » ... ain TA102, whereas the remaining test compounds (dichlofluanid, tetrahydrophthalimide and thiozolidine-4-carboxylic acid) were not mutagenic in either strain. In conclusión, we consider it of valué to add these two strains to those already used in the Ames test in order to increase confidence in our ability to detect mutagens and to shed further light on their mechanism of action. EPA
doi:10.1093/mutage/3.6.467 pmid:3070285 fatcat:6yibzmxq3zfupptx2bte5rmnqa