Probing the Process-Based Approach to Biodiversity: Can Plasticity Lead to the Emergence of Novel Units of Biodiversity? [chapter]

Davide Vecchi, Rob Mills
2019 History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences  
The history of biology has been characterised by a strong emphasis on the identification of entities (e.g., macromolecules, cells, organisms, species) as fundamental units of our classificatory system. The biological hierarchy can be divided into a series of compositional levels complementing the physical and chemical hierarchy. Given this state of affairs, it is not surprising that biodiversity studies have focused on a "holy trinity" of entities, namely genes, species and ecosystems. In this
more » ... hapter, we endorse the view that a process-based approach should integrate an entity-based one. The rationale of our endorsement is that a focus on entities does not address whether biological processes have the capacity to create novel, salient units of biodiversity. This alternative focus might therefore have implications for conservation biology. In order to show the relevance of process-based approaches to biodiversity, in this chapter we shall focus on a particular process: phenotypic plasticity. Specifically, we shall describe a model of plasticity that might have implications for how we conceptualise biodiversity units. The hypothesis we want to test is whether plastic subpopulations that have enhanced evolutionary potential vis a vis non-plastic subpopulations make them amenable to evolutionarily significant units (i.e., ESU) status. An understanding of the mechanisms that influence organismic evolution, particularly when under environmental stress, may shed light on the natural "conservability" capacities of populations. We use an abstract computational model that couples plasticity and genetic mutation to investigate how plasticity processes (through the Baldwin effect) can improve the adaptability of a population
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-10991-2_12 fatcat:gal6zheblnedrhqn7juwwquyn4