The Effect of Classroom Web Applications on Teaching, Learning and Academic Performance among College of Education Female Students

Seham Salman Aljraiwi
2017 Journal of Education and Learning  
The current study proposes web applications-based learning environment to promote teaching and learning activities in the classrooms. It also helps teachers facilitate learners' contributions in the process of learning and improving their motivation and performance. The case study illustrated that female students were more interested in learning and performed better when using the proposed applications, in the classroom, during and after classes. In addition, these applications allow them
more » ... an appropriate educational support. It also provides teachers and learners with an effective support in managing and guiding the educational activities inside and outside the classroom.
doi:10.5539/jel.v6n2p132 fatcat:7xbm5xwxd5af3e4mztpzjzvknm