Development of Underground transportation Hazard management System (UTHMS) for Indian underground hard rock mines [article]

Nayak, Dr. Falguni Sarkar , Sabyasachi
Abstract: In present day Indian Mining scenario, the deployment of Heavy Earth Moving Machineries (HEMM) like LHD (Load haul Dump), LPDT (Low Profile Dump Truck), Drill Jumbo, Scissor lifts and passenger carriers etc. in trackless underground mines is very much indispensable requirement for carrying out production, transportation of men and material, manage environmental sustainability and handling emergency situations efficiently. As the HEMM's are exhaustively used to load and haul the mined out materials ...
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.14905209.v1 fatcat:byytqu6uxjd6pkjzrilxtsmzua