Tax subsidies for entrepreneurs in case of property tax

Edyta Jóźwiak
2020 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum  
In Polish tax law, real estate is subject to taxation. Property tax rates depend not only on the type of property but also on the taxable person. Thus, as far as persons conducting business activity are concerned, real estate in their possession is taxed at a higher rate than that of natural persons. The amount of the tax payable annually may exceed the income of the trader concerned, since it does not depend on the taxable person's financial situation (as is the case with other taxes, e.g.
more » ... onal income tax). Due to this fact, a catalog of tax reliefs and exemptions, i.e. the so-called tax subsidies, as well as the possibility of spreading the tax in instalments and deferring its payment date is an important role in real estate tax. The state, including municipalities, may create this form of aid, as long as it does not conflict with the provisions of the Act on State Aid and similar provisions in force in the European Union, which are designed to observe free competition in the market. The purpose of this Article is to indicate what are the current forms of assistance to entrepreneurs on the example of property tax.
doi:10.31648/aspal.5698 fatcat:77ey5adokrdjjacb6jb7p5t65u