1894 Canadian Entomologist  
Gall-fly.-With the exception of a little rufous on tbe joints of the feet and on the base of the mandibles, the colour is deep brack. r{cad finely rugose, face with trvo parallel grooves and 'redian ridge, antenure r4-jointed. 3rd joint as long as rst and znd or 4th and 5th united ; ocelli well separated and inconspicuous. Thorax glabrous above, 11212p5ifla1 grooves very distinct and extending to the collar, scutellum mgose, with basal groove, rnesopleura smooth and glabrous beneath the wings.
more » ... bdomen shining, black, rvitho't sculpturing, the posterior rnargin of the znd segment quite oblique. wings long, hya)ine, beautifully iridescent,
doi:10.4039/ent26238-8 fatcat:uwcp2v4r75d5nb3pqkojoxkhzq