Radiology Quiz Case 1

Chien-Chia Huang, Ta-Jen Lee, Po-Hung Chang, Chi-Che Huang
2010 Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery  
A 72-YEAR-OLD MAN PRESENTED WITH A 1-year history of right-sided nasal obstruction, right exotropia, and diplopia. Endoscopic examination revealed a reddish solid mass occupying the right middle meatus, with prominent bulging of the lateral nasal wall. The contralateral nasal cavity and nasopharynx were unremarkable. A computed tomographic scan of the paranasal sinuses (Figure 1 ) demonstrated a soft-tissue mass emerging from the right maxillary sinus, with extension into the right nasal
more » ... and intraorbital extraconal extension. Precontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and sinuses revealed a well-circumscribed mass in the right maxillary sinus extending to the right ethmoidal sinus and orbital cavity. The lesion was hypointense on T1-weighted images (Figure 2) and heterogeneously hyperintense on T2-weighted images (Figure 3) and showed heterogeneous enhancement after the administration of gadolinium (Figure 4) . The mass was surgically removed via a transnasal endoscopic approach and sent for histopathologic analysis.
doi:10.1001/archoto.2010.96-a pmid:20644075 fatcat:5cfheprpzbcn7pxr7hvnqteqnq