Phase diagram of branched polymer collapse

Malte Henkel, Flavio Seno
1996 Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics  
The phase diagram of the collapse of a two-dimensional infinite branched polymer interacting with the solvent and with itself through contact interactions is studied from the q→ 1 limit of an extension of the q- states Potts model. Exact solution on the Bethe lattice and Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization group calculations show that there is a line of θ transitions from the extended to a single compact phase. The θ line, governed by three different fixed points, consists of two lines of
more » ... compact transitions which are in different universality classes and meet in a multicritical point. On the other hand, directed branched polymers are shown to be completely determined by the strongly embedded case and there is a single θ transition which is in the directed percolation universality class.
doi:10.1103/physreve.53.3662 pmid:9964676 fatcat:irfhgwh3lrhztfllzo7dqcvliy