The clinical trial for the significant effects of acupuncture on decreasing anxiety symptom of Hwa-Byung in a single institute- single-arm with Hwa-Byung, open lable
화병환자의 불안증 해소에 대한 침치료의 유효성 평가를 위한 단일군, 공개, 단일기관 임상시험

Duk-Jin Jung, Jae-Hyok Lee
2012 Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry  
Objectives : The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of acupuncture on the anxiety symptoms regarding Hwa-Byung. Methods : Acupuncture was applied on 15 participants, 4 males and 11 females. Hwa-Byung was diagnosed by Hwa-Byung Diagnostic Interview Schedule(HBDIS). Then clinical research STAI, BDI, VAS, HRV was carried out for investigation to analyze the change of each symptom between pre-acupuncture and post-acupuncture. Results : STAI, VAS were all significantly decreased.
more » ... BDI decreased, but the decrease was not significant. All physical and psychological scores of HBDIS were significantly decreased excluding A2, B2, B3, B5, C1, C5. Subjects of HRV were different between pre-acupuncture and post-acupuncture, but the difference was not significant. Conclusions : The results suggest that acupuncture has positive effects on anxiety and other symptom of Hwa-Byung.
doi:10.7231/jon.2012.23.1.049 fatcat:ar7lst24cjh43h4ao6dx2psuh4