Radiation dose aspects in the handling of emerging nuclear fuels

G. Nicolaou
2014 Radiation Protection Dosimetry  
The occupational annual dose levels, encountered at fabrication of emerging nuclear fuels, have been studied. Emerging fuels for the single and multiple recycling of Pu and MA have resulted in considerably higher gamma and neutron doses in comparison with commercial fuels. The occupational dose limit is exceeded at fabrication by a single fuel rod in all fuel cases with 241 Am and Cm isotopes present in their composition. In the absence of these isotopes, 2 -4 adjacent fuel rods are sufficient
more » ... o exceed the limit. Self-shielding within the fuel reduces significantly only the gamma dose that would have been delivered otherwise. Hence, only the first row of fuel rods in an assembly contributes to the dose, whereas in the case of neutrons, all fuel rods contribute.
doi:10.1093/rpd/ncu016 pmid:24553050 fatcat:wlp4desa5fc35mx43c6yx4meuy