The influence of passenger demographics on airport attribute evaluation

Stephen Carstens, Gert Heyns
2012 Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management  
It is imperative for airport operators and airlines to have a clear understanding of the factors which influence the passenger's decision with regard to which airport/airline combination to use in a multi-airport scenario. Interactions between demographic variables, such as gender and purpose of travel, and the choice attributes in the decision-making process exist. The extent to which specific attributes influence the passenger's decision could be invaluable to service providers (airport
more » ... ors and airlines) in allocating and employing limited resources. The purpose of this article is to investigate the extent of the interactions between passenger demographics and attribute evaluation by taking into account the ordinal nature of the measurement scale.
doi:10.4102/jtscm.v6i1.31 fatcat:3apnjlmf35htvh7yqxl4zlhtgq