Effect of nifedipine on neuropeptide Y-induced coronary vasoconstriction in anesthetized dogs

Masami HAYASHI, Yoshifusa AIZAWA, Masahito SATOH, Kaoru SUZUKI, Akira SHIBATA
1986 Japanese Heart Journal  
SUMMA The coronary vasoconstrictor effects of neuropeptide Y (NPY) were confirmed in anesthetized closed-chest dogs. This NPYinduced vasoconstriction was not affected by alpha-or betaadrenergic blockers and nifedipine given into the perfusion circuit abolished the constriction. After intracoronary nifedipine administration, coronary flow exceeded the control level within 60sec, then returned to a level between the control value before NPY and the lowest value elicited by NPY after 10 min. When
more » ... ifedipine was given systemically before NPY, the peak response to NPY was attenuated, suggesting a preventive effect of nifedipine on the NPYinduced coronary vasoconstriction.
doi:10.1536/ihj.27.251 fatcat:uio75xsu5famjdj32n6pph53j4