The importance of"sono-implantation"

Yoshiaki ARATA, Yue-Chang ZHANG
1998 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences  
Using a powerful supersonic wave with high energy density, a violent imploding "sonobubble" can be produced. Concentrating this energy, an ultra high energy density zone will occur inside the bubble. When these bubbles generated within the D20-liquid collide with any solid, an enormous implantation of deuteriums come into the solid as a "sonoplasma-cluster" of high energy density deuterons. This event should be called "sono-implantation", and when it is strongly generated an intense
more » ... e" generates locally within a host-lattice and a highly deuterzed solid can be easily made in an extremely short period. Moreover it provides an effective means to generate dense "solid-state plasma" with high energy density of deuterons within a host-solid, and it will enables introducing even "solid-state plasma fusion" under the intense "latticequake".
doi:10.2183/pjab.74.201 fatcat:kli4zatg6jb7lah5ay4ow4jahy