Business Processes Improvement on Maintenance Management: A Case Study

João Abreu, Paula Ventura Martins, Silvia Fernandes, Marielba Zacarias
2013 Procedia Technology - Elsevier  
The adoption of business process improvement strateg approaches to quality and service improvement and optimization enables organizations to achieve business ob in achieving the goal of improving overall efficiency in th avoiding costly downtime. However, there have bee management. This paper presents a case study about main an airport. gies is currently a concern of most organizations. The use of the quest for the benefits of this improvement on resource bjectives. Maintenance management also
more » ... lays a significant role he services of an organization, helping to maintain continuity and en few studies about business improvement in maintenance ntenance management to realize business process improvement in on and/or peer-review under responsibility of gement; Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL); ntenance management. lenge to organizations trying to continually improve the titiveness. Organizations in many different areas, aware of -0000 .
doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2013.12.036 fatcat:bv7it2ieabckzp77to6u723hua