Fly Ash as a Concrete Ingredient-A Review Introduction

C Choudhary, Vanita Aggarwal
2016   unpublished
This paper is written to access the use of fly ash, a waste product by thermal power plant, as an ingredient of concrete used for various engineering purposes such as production of pozzolana Portland cement, geopolymer concrete, lightweight concrete, precast concrete industry, manufacture of precast Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes and paver blocks, Self compacting concrete (SCC) and mass concrete etc. The area is of much importance in Indian context as about 145 million tones of fly ash is
more » ... produced in India annually from electricity generation plants and this figure is increasing with the growth of demand for energy. The disposal of high volume of fly ash is posing a threat to the environment and requires immediate attention. In present scenario the cement industry alone is responsible for 7% of all the CO2 being produced in the world. Using fly ash as an ingredient in concrete, the problem of safe disposal of fly ash can be addressed considerably. Moreover the use of fly ash in concrete improves certains engineering properties of concrete such as workability, increased durability saving in energy and higher compressive strength at an economical cost of production. This paper aims at discussing the use of fly ash in concrete, its applications and its benefits.