"Teachers as the Greatest Value of Our Nation" – Rhetoric, Practice and Effects of "reform" of Teacher Training in England and Wales

Eugenia Potulicka
2018 Rocznik pedagogiczny  
SummaryInitial teacher training in England and Wales is radically reformed since the 2010 year. Many new ways of training were introduced, namely: School-Centered Initial Teacher Training, School Direct, apprenticeship, Teach First, Troops to Teachers and others. The role of universities in teacher training is severe diminished with many implications for the quality of teachers and teaching as well as for the identity of academic teachers, their role and the lack of stability. Of course those
more » ... anges have a lot of implications for universities, especially for their Schools of Education. Some of them disappeared.
doi:10.2478/rp-2018-0009 fatcat:rlmmn7wweva6hcamgrsz7prgma