A Simulation Study of TCP over the IEEE 802.15.3 MAC

Kwan-Wu Chin, D. Lowe
2005 The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 30th Anniversary (LCN'05)l  
This paper presents the impact of IEEE 802.15.3 MAC's channel time allocation methods on a TCP flow's performance. We show the importance of having super rate and appropriately sized channel time allocations (CTAs). Disciplines Physical Sciences and Mathematics Publication Details Abstract This paper presents the impact of IEEE 802.15.3 MAC's channel time allocation methods on a TCP flow's performance. We show the importance of having super rate and appropriately sized channel time allocations (CTAs).
doi:10.1109/lcn.2005.18 dblp:conf/lcn/ChinL05 fatcat:5axm5pnvvrglrn72umlyn3uiem