The city-region chimera: the political economy of metagovernance failure in Britain

David Etherington, Martin Jones
2016 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society  
Within the context of spatial rebalancing and a Northern (metro-region) Powerhouse, this article explores the implementation of the devolution of employment and skills within the Sheffield city region. We make both an original empirical and analytical contribution by suggesting that notions of governance and metagovernance failure are important for analyzing the development, tensions and contradictions of city region economic governance within the context of the UK Government's devolution and
more » ... calism agenda (in particular "Devolution Agreements"). We consider that governance failure arises because of the primacy of a neoliberal-dominated strategy orientation towards the market and its failure in the delivery of skills. Governance and metagovernance mechanisms are unable to sufficiently coordinate effective responses to address a legacy of de-industrialisation, deeprooted labour market and sociospatial inequalities.
doi:10.1093/cjres/rsw007 fatcat:x2avga3bvjet7grnsy5vrx6v5m