Iron Loss and Hysteresis Properties under High-Temperature Inverter Excitation

A. Yao, T. Hatakeyama
2019 Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan  
We experimentally and numerically examined the magnetic properties of magnetic materials under room-and high-temperature inverter excitations. We show that the iron loss and hysteresis properties of magnetic materials under pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter excitation depend strongly on the temperature dependence of semiconductor characteristics. The iron loss under PWM inverter excitation decreased as the temperatures of semiconductors (Si-insulated gate bipolar transistors and Si-diodes)
more » ... ncreased. In addition, it was found that the rate of change of iron loss based on the temperature dependence of semiconductor characteristics at a high carrier frequency was larger than that at a low carrier frequency.
doi:10.3379/msjmag.1905r002 fatcat:ygdgxbfjtnbtfhn7zatti6vhd4