Identification of Primary Ossification Centers in the Skull of Buffalo Fetus by Modified Alizarin Red-S Method

Raja Ersavadla, Rajendranath Nalla
2017 International Journal of Livestock Research  
In this modified alizarin red-s method the fetuses were fixed in 10 per cent Neutral buffered formalin for 1 week. Reduced the potassium hydroxide digestion time to secure the muscular system and then stained with alizarin red-s. Excess stain was removed by fresh 4 per cent potassium hydroxide solution. Stained fetuses were cleared for 2 weeks by using two clearing agents. The primary ossification centers of the skull bones were clearly visible. The fetuses were preserved in glycerin.
doi:10.5455/ijlr.20170717041511 fatcat:k5qxu5ymrzbt3brvj75ohdh25y