Sensitive, NonnDestructive Detection and Analysis of NeoantigennSpecific T Cell Populations from Tumors and Blood

Songming Peng, Jesse M. Zaretsky, Michael T. Bethune, Alice Hsu, Elizabeth Holman, Xiaozhe Ding, Katherine Guo, Jungwoo Kim, Alexander M. Xu, John E. Heath, Won Jun Noh, Jing Zhou (+7 others)
2018 Social Science Research Network  
Neoantigen-specific T cells are increasingly viewed as important immunotherapy effectors, but physically isolating these rare cell populations is challenging. Here, we describe a sensitive method for the enumeration and isolation of neoantigen-specific CD8+ T cells from small samples This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3155791 fatcat:zop3aiimlzfhnf6wqq654fpdvq