1915 Journal of the American Medical Association  
NEW YORK Cholesterin has most important biologic applications: cholesterin and the lipoids are seriously involved in the specific blood tests, and it has been said that "no earnest discussion of serologic work can be undertaken today without reference to them." 1 It is probable that no earnest serologic work today can be properly explained or correctly interpreted without due regard to the cholesterin and lipoid content of the blood. It is the question of the correct interpretation of the
more » ... mann reaction which first interested me in this work. Recent work on the Wassermann reaction has tended, first, toward the standardization of this very important clinical test: second, toward the increase in its delicacy, and third, toward the production of a suitable antigen. A review of the literature of the past year or more will show, at a glance, that it is cholesterin with which most, if not all investigators are working. Some of the more recent subjects are entitled as follows:
doi:10.1001/jama.1915.02570500017006 fatcat:jmnjoik2drce5m6jq4xnvuhlg4