Evaluation of Different Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus) Cultivars in Terms of Spike Quality under Allahabad Agro Climatic Condition

Narendra Singh Solanki Parmanand Sen, Lal Singh Ramshankar Pawak
2021 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences  
The present experiment was conducted during October 2011 – April 2012 in the Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Science, Allahabad, (U.P.). The experiment of design was randomized block design consisting 11 treatment with 3 replication, with a view to find out the overall performance of different cultivars of Glodiolus viz. Panjab Morning (T1), Green Bay (T2), Noualux blue (T3), American Beauty (T4), Priscilla (T5),White Prosperity (T6) Red
more » ... ty (T7), Summer Shunshine (T8) Delhi local (T9), Noualux (T10), Candyman (T11),. On the basis of different growth and yield parameters the maximum days for first floret durability (6.16). were recorded by White Prosperity (T6) followed by American Beauty (T4) (5.76). The maximum number of spike length (95.13cm) was obtained in White Prosperity (T6) followed by Red Majesty (T7) (94.16). The maximum weight of spike (64.40 g) was observed in White Prosperity (T6) followed by American Beauty (T4) (64.33g). The maximum floret diameter (12.63cm) was found in Summer Pearl (T8) followed by White Prosperity (T6) (12.53cm). The maximum number of floret per spike (18.00) was found in White Prosperity (T6) followed by American Beauty (T4) (17.73). The maximum number of spikes per plant (5.33) was observed in Delhi Local (T9) followed by White Prosperity (T6) (1.3). Which can be recommended for cultivation in Allahabad agro-climatic condition.
doi:10.20546/ijcmas.2021.1009.044 fatcat:2fvfglcb35eqjkuwed4la3mcx4