Emission properties and temporal coherence of the dark exciton confined in a GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs quantum dot

S. Germanis, P. Atkinson, R. Hostein, S. Majrab, F. Margaillan, M. Bernard, V. Voliotis, B. Eble
2021 Physical review B  
We report measurements of the radiative lifetimes and coherence times of the dark and bright excitons in an asymmetric GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dot. The dots, fabricated by partial infilling of asymmetric in situ etched nanoholes, have low symmetry, which leads to significant dark-bright mixing as demonstrated by dark-bright anticrossing in magnetophotoluminescence spectra. Using an orthogonal excitation-detection waveguiding geometry and quasiresonant excitation, we compare the coherence
more » ... measured by Michelson interferometry, of the dark and bright exciton from the same dot in the absence of an external magnetic field.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.104.115306 fatcat:f3s75ds2h5fknl6hvsvbu7v3ru