Topology Vulnerability Analysis of several Urban Metro Networks

Lulu Guo, Guofeng Su
2017 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Emergency Management using - EM-GIS'17  
1 In modern cities, urban metro systems gradually become an important transportation tool. The failure of metro may influence citizens' travel and cause economic losses. It is a focal problem that assessing the vulnerability of metro networks at home and abroad. Several metro networks are modeled by a modified Space L, in which metro interchange and travel time are involved. The properties of these metro networks are calculated at first, showing that at the same size, the average degree is
more » ... r, the network efficiency is better. Then the vulnerabilities of metro networks under random attack and three malicious attacks are studied and discussed. It is discovered that the metro networks are vulnerable to the biggest travel-time-efficiency node-based attack(EA) and the highest betweenness node-based attack(BA), and robust against random attack. The four attacks harm Tokyo metro network least, which has a big size, the max average degree and clustering coefficient of the seven metro networks. Finally, the top ten stations in order under EA and BA are respectively listed as a case study of Shanghai metro. CCS CONCEPTS • Network → Network properties → Network structure → Topology analysis and generation KEYWORDS metro network, vulnerability analysis, key station, complex network theory
doi:10.1145/3152465.3152478 dblp:conf/gis/GuoS17 fatcat:kfllxezybvfcphryt5pbzmnyam