PO-0825 Do Young Adults Born With Very Low Birth Weight Have Poor Emotional, Behavioural And Social Function?

KAI Evensen, IM Husby, KM Stray, MS Indredavik, AM Brubakk, J Skranes
2014 Archives of Disease in Childhood  
4. 91/91 had full history and examination. 5. 91/91 with a diagnosis of epilepsy were on AED(s). 6. 20/91 had discussion (s) regarding AED adverse effects. 7. 40/91 had seizure type classified. 8. 11% had syndrome classification. 9. 15 had EEG after first afebrile seizure. 10. 31/39 MRIs done were indicated. 11. 8/91 had ECG. 12. 31/91 had documented rescue plan and 14/37 had Rescue-AED(s) when indicated. Conclusion(s) 1. Inadequate discussion(s) of AED side effect, rescue plan(s) and
more » ... g home Rescue-AED. 2. Suboptimal use of EEG and ECG. 3. Low evidence of seizure(s) and syndrome classification. We recommend 1. Appointment of a paediatric epilepsy specialist nurse. 2. Promotion of awareness of indications of EEG and ECG in children with seizure(s). 3. Promotion of attendance to epilepsy training (Dubai PET1 and PET2) courses. 4. Re-audit.
doi:10.1136/archdischild-2014-307384.1458 fatcat:mvkcgt54ubfjxb4bcnq22do4fm