Dynamic Analysis into Creeping Reasons of Slowly Moving Hydraulic Cylinder

Fengguo Li, Mingfu Yin
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Mechanical, Electronic, Control and Automation Engineering (MECAE 2018)   unpublished
In this paper, with the opinion of nonlinear dynamics and the triaxial testing machine as the research object, we did the dynamics modeling towards the vertical load cylinder. In the case of taking account of nonlinear friction and nonlinear elastic force, we analyzed the dynamic model of the cylinder, which with low-speed creeping phenomenon, through researching the theory and the matlab simulation. Meanwhile, we made the targeted analysis towards the reason of low-speed creeping for hydraulic
more » ... cylinder. Calculated the load cylinder when running at low speed, increase the friction force can be effectively restrain the crawling phenomenon and how to guarantee the system stability conclusion.
doi:10.2991/mecae-18.2018.147 fatcat:ivslmdivpzhezhnz7txhsjixye