Personalistinė vilties pedagogika: pagrindiniai konceptualūs bruožai
Eugenijus Danilevičius
vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, lietuva vytautas Magnus university, lithuania RaKTaŽODŽiai: personalizmas, vilties dorybė, personalistinė vilties pedagogika, nevilties kultūra. KEy wORDs: personalism, the virtue of hope, personalistic pedagogy of hope, the culture of despair. PERsOnalisTinė vilTiEs PEDagOgiKa: PagRinDiniai KOncEPTualūs bRuOŽai Personalistic Pedagogics of Hope: The Main conceptual Features suMMaRy The article defines the main conceptual features of a personalistic pedagogics of
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... ope. The article introduces the main conclusions of theoretical research: 1) Personalistic pedagogics of hope consists of three elements -personalism, hope and pedagogics, and meaning is common to both. as an expression of human opportunities, hope gives a meaning to pedagogical activity. Personalism and pedagogics have the common aim of finding meaning. Therefore, meaning is the foundation of the synthesis of personalism, hope and pedagogics, and the most important segment of personalistic pedagogics of hope. The theory of logotherapy also emphasizes the significance of hope for a person looking for the meaning of life and implementing it. 2) a dramatic situation of the world nowadays (and in the future) requires a message of hope. in the face of difficult challenges and dangers, hope is not a stimulus to simply calculate chances and dangers, but a human response to them. On a human level, such a tendency is obvious: the more christian hope loses its position in a society, the more illusory hopes or despair grow in hat society. Thus, the need to bear witness to christian hope is clear. The main goal of personalistic pedagogics of hope -the education of the virtue of hope -is directed that way. Santrauka siekiant apibūdinti personalistinės vilties pedagogikos pagrindinius konceptualius bruožus, straipsnyje atliekama pedagoginės, filosofinės ir teologinės mokslinės literatūros teorinė sisteminė turinio analizė ir sintezė, kurių pagrindu aptariama personalistinės vilties pedagogikos samprata ir formuluojamas šios krikščioniškosios pedagogikos šakos pagrindinis tikslas. straipsnio pabaigoje pateiktos teoriškai pagrįstos šio tyrimo išvados.