A new coordinate system for Longitudinal Train Dynamics simulations

Qing Wu
2017 Journal of Advances in Vehicle Engineering   unpublished
This paper presents a new coordinate system for whole-trip Longitudinal Train Dynamics (LTD) simulations. The new coordinate system integrate the concepts of both inertial and non-inertial coordinate systems which are called the global coordinate system and the local coordinate system respectively in this paper. The global coordinate system is used to describe vehicle positions, velocities, and accelerations on the track. The local coordinate system is a movable coordinate system attached on
more » ... train; it is designed to determine draft gear deflections only. The purpose of the new coordinate system is to decrease the truncation errors for whole-trip LTD simulations that have very long simulated train trips, for example 600 km. Results in this paper have demonstrated the effectiveness of the new non-inertial coordinate system. Simulation results provide the confidence to study very long train trips. The new coordinate system can maintain the computational precision and reduce the computational time by 8.6%.