Cluster formation of potential assessment for swine manure treatment and biogas generation in an experimental watershed in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

V. Schneider, N. Zanoni, S. Carra
2016 Waste Management and The Environment VIII   unpublished
This paper presents a proposal for collective systems for handling manure, also called clusters, and consequent generation of electricity from biogas, for a swine herd installed in 2012 in the municipalities of Serafina Corrêa and União da Serra, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. From the preparation of sand, hypsometry and slope maps for both municipalities associated with plotting the location of the swine herds, this work proposed five clusters where the waste of 8,660 animals are
more » ... nducted entirely by gravity. The biogas generated in the anaerobic treatment is transformed into electrical energy could supply 285 homes whose average monthly consumption is 200 kWh or can be inserted into the internal or external network of property, corroborating in extra income to swine farmers and the sustainability of the activity. From this objective, the job initiates a technical assessment in order to enable these collective treatment systems and reduce the environmental impacts generated by swine activity.
doi:10.2495/wm160291 fatcat:a2pmr3us4ra4pnbtvin7v43mqm