Information Security Plan for Flight Simulator Applications

Jason Slaughter, Syed Shawon M. Rahman
2011 International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)  
The Department of Defense has a need for an identity management system that uses two factor authentications to ensure that only the correct individuals get access to their top secret flight simulator program. Currently the Department of Defense does not have a web interface sign in system. We will be creating a system that will allow them to access their programs, back office and administrator functions remotely. A security plan outlining our security architecture will be delivered prior to the
more » ... final code roll out. The plan will include responses to encryption used and the security architecture applied in the final documentation. The code will be delivered in phases to work out any issues that may occur during the implementation
doi:10.5121/ijcsit.2011.3301 fatcat:taqv24tij5cqbcv2ixh6o4al44