Novel Metabolites of Orbencarb and Benthiocarb Herbicides in Soil, Plant and Rat Liver Microsomes

Tadaaki UNAI, Mitsumasa IKEDA, Masazumi DOI, Chojiro TOMIZAWA
1986 Journal of pesticide science  
The biotransformation of orbencarb (S-2-chlorobenzyl N, N-diethylthiocarbamate) in soils under upland conditions, shoots of soybean plant and rat liver microsomes, was studied to obtain a novel metabolite using [ring-U-14C]orbencarb. S-2-Chlorobenzyl N-ethyl-Nvinylthiocarbamate in which two hydrogen atoms were removed from an N-ethyl moiety of orbencarb was found to be a novel metabolite in all cases and it was tentatively identified by two-dimensional thin-layer co-chromatography with the
more » ... ntic compound. A similar type of novel metabolite was isolated from the soil treated with non-radioactive benthiocarb (4chloro isomer of orbencarb) under upland conditions, and its chemical structure was confirmed as S-4-chlorobenzyl N-ethyl-N-vinylthiocarbamate by comparing it with the synthetic compound in GC retention time and GC-mass spectrum.
doi:10.1584/jpestics.11.527 fatcat:nhruvoc43fgapp53zosrislpsa