Effect of Mushrooms on Cholesterol Metabolism in Rats (VIII)
食用キノコ類の白ネズミコレステロール代謝におよぼす影響 (VIII)

Setsuko Tokuda, Etsuo Kano, Takashi Kaneda
1972 Eiyo To Shokuryo  
Succeeding the previous paper1), animal experiments for the elucidation of the plasma cholesterol reducing mechanism by mushroom (Lentinus edodes) were carried out. The results obtained were as follows: (1) Endogenous cholesterol: Synthesized cholesterol levels in plasma and liver were determined after the injection of sodium acetate-1-14C, however, the difference of the cholesterol levels was not noticed among mushroom and mushroom-free diets. Almost the same results were obtained using liver
more » ... omogenates in vitro. (2) Exogenous cholesterol: The disappearance of 14C-cholesterol in plasma of rats fed mushroom was tended to be faster than that of control rats when cholesterol-4-14C was orally administered. These results suggest that the elucidation of the mechanism of cholesterol transport in plasma by the lipoproteins is necessary to clarify the plasma cholesterol reducing mechanism.
doi:10.4327/jsnfs1949.25.609 fatcat:7zumufugxnd6rljdmeodu42p7y