Role of the Village Consultative Body to Realize Good Governance in the Village of Sumberkepuh Sub-District of Tanjunganom Nganjuk District

Yenik Pujowati, Ratna Ani Lestari
2019 Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of Business and Public Administration (AICoBPA 2018)   unpublished
This study aims to find out how the role of village consultative bodies to realize good governance in the sumberkepuh village, Tanjunganom sub-district, Nganjuk district. The Village Consultative Body is an organization that functions as a body that establishes village regulations with the village head, accommodate and aspirations of rural communities. In Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, based on these regulations it is very important to strengthen the role of village consultative body to
more » ... realize good governance at the village level. Under the BPD has a big role in helping village heads to develop village planning and village development in realizing good governance. This study uses qualitative research methods, to answer questions that are in the focus of the problem. The findings of this study under the BPD in sumberkepuh village have carried out good supervision, namely, channeling the aspirations of the community, going well enough so that they often hold joint discussions with community groups. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the constraints on the role and position of the village consultative bodies are still largely numerous, unknown to the source village community, so that community participation is not too high.
doi:10.2991/aicobpa-18.2019.58 fatcat:zrotrbiwmnerdiv4yxcivzm4cq