The current state of knowledge of Polish Chrysopidae: Research history, distribution and present-day problems

Roland Dobosz
2019 Zenodo  
Neuropterida are represented in Poland to date by 103 species from nine families. Chrysopidae (31 species) is one of the two largest families, second only to Hemerobiidae (34 species). The first studies from the early 19th century (Perthées' MS – Weigel 1806) described two species of green lacewings from the area of present-day Poland. Between 1802 and 2017, fifty-six authors (as the only or the first co-author) published 134 papers on the subject of Chrysopidae. On the basis of bibliographical
more » ... data and unpublished studies, green lacewings have been found to occur at 542 sites in 455 UTM squares.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3569407 fatcat:lb7zchwalzepfangmc3hm4uldu