A novel approaches to components design additive manufacturing process

A V Orlov, D V Masaylo, V S Sufiiarov, E V Borisov, I A Polozov, A A Popovich
2018 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
In accordance with the concept of additive technologies which is layer by layer synthesis of products, there is a need for a new approach to components design. One of the main tools to be operated is numerical modelling which can provide the designer with an integrated approach to the development of new products if applied skillfully. The numerical modelling, besides carrying out strength calculations, includes topological optimization and creation of cellular structures with the help of which
more » ... t becomes possible to create light-weight products with preservation of required strength characteristics. In this paper both methods were applied based on the example of a mounting bracket: topological optimization and creation of cellular structures. The paper presents the results of calculating the stress-strain behaviour of the source and target structures, allowing to estimate the possible reduction in product weight and quantity of the consumable material when using an additive technology.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/194/2/022026 fatcat:io2fbysokba3fffnrlxgaak3xq