A Review on Real Time Object Detection using Single Shot Multibox Detector

2019 jecet  
This research paper investigates the running of object detection algorithm on low-end devices to detect different kinds of objects in images. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which are used in SSD have recently proven extremely capable of performing object detection in single-frame images. Single shot multi-box object detectors have been recently shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on object detection tasks. The implementation can be done using Pytorch object detection
more » ... , and COCO (Common Objects and Context) or Pascal VOC (Visual Object Classes) dataset to detect the common objects around a person like cars, dogs, laptops, etc. The main advantage of using SSD is that, unlike other methods it can be used in laptops and other personal devices.
doi:10.24214/jecet.b.8.3.23641 fatcat:ler3nlvlxzfkpk3nvgp5cttosi