Value Engineering Study of Various Gantry Girder Profile

S. Dutta, D. Chatterjee
2020 International Journal of Research in Advent Technology  
The present work envisages a comparative study between various gantry girder profiles. The design is performed considering both strength and serviceability criteria as per IS 800:2007. The analysis for dead load and live load are done as per IS: 875 -1987 (Part-I) and IS: 875 -1987 (Part-II) respectively. The different combinations of profile geometry that are chosen includes 'I'-section with top and bottom plates, symmetrical plate girder section, 'I'-section with 'C'-section as top flange,
more » ... te girder with top flange as rolled 'C'-section and unsymmetrical plate girder section. The problems are formulated taking in to consideration of practical demands of industries. Gantry girders are analyzed for gantry spans of 5m, 7m, 9m and 12m each with crane capacity of 100kN, 200kN and 300kN respectively. An attempt is made to identify the most optimum combinations of sections for each category of crane capacity and gantry span. Finally, to aid designers, handouts in the form of graphs, charts and tables are furnished which can be used to identify the best possible option of gantry profile considered in the present study. Other than these guidelines are also provided to find the most economical section for combinations of spans and crane capacities that are not presented in detail in this paper.
doi:10.32622/ijrat.86202005 fatcat:syoy2gnofjcbvja2frjtfiio5y