Broken SU(8) Symmetry and the New Particles [report]

G. Kramer, D. H. Schiller
We study the mass spectra and wave functions for vector and pseudoscalar mesons in broken SU(8):J SU(4)F ~ SU(2)J, where F stands for flavour and J for usual spin. The connection with the standard mass breaking in SU(4)F is worked out. We find that even in the presence of strong SU(8) breaking the ideal mixing scheme for the vector mesons can be approximately retained. For the pseudoscalar mesons the mixing of the singlet with the 63-plet representation of SU(8) turns out to be essential and stronaly nonideal. -1-
doi:10.3204/pubdb-2017-12653 fatcat:3icu4emnlfdpjbtbccczj5ibgm